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Old 05-14-2006, 02:35 AM   #1

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Default Egyptian Birth Signs
For a detailed explanationof what your sign means, I'll post an article later..atm I've to do something else LOLfont face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif" size="2"divstrong The info for this found by archaeologists on theceiling of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera in centralEgypt. They are determined by the month born andfollow a lunar cycle. To correct the differencebetween the lunar and solar cycle the epagomenal dayswere added (similar to the days added for our leapyear); 5 days from the 14th-18th of July (significantalso as these were considered holy days concerning thebirth of the gods Osirus, Horus the Elder, Set, Isis,Nephthys)font "ff0000"uThothufont: 29Aug-27Sepstrongdiv divstrongufont "cc0033"Horus:fontu 28Sep-27Octstrongdiv divstrongufont "cc0000"Wadjetfontu: 28Oct-26Novstrongdiv divstrongufont "cc0000"Sekhmet:fontu 27Nov-26Decstrongdiv divstrongufont "cc0000"The Sphinxfontu: 27-Dec-25Janstrongdiv divstrongufont "cc0033"Shu:fontu 26Jan-24Febstrongdiv divstrongufont "cc0000"Isis:fontu 25Feb-26Marstrongdiv divstrongufont "cc0000"Osirus:fontu 27Mar-25Aprstrongdiv divstrongufont "cc0000"Amunfontu: 26Apr-25Maystrongdiv divstrongufont "cc0000"Hathor:fontu 26May-24Junestrongdiv divstrongufont "cc0000"The Phoenixfontu: 25June-24JulyAnubis: 25July-28Augstrongdivfont
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