The Wonderful Gratitude Thread
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04-15-2006, 07:33 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I am thankful for being here, you know every moment of my life here at spiritualblessing has indeed been a blessing. To start off not knowing even why did I name the group "spiritualblessing"...not knowing where to from creating a has started making sense and every moment of being here i realise life makes a lot of sense, everything is in order and everything is perfect. It is that i have learned so much in the two years of being here, i have learned in every moment, every joy and every failure has made me realise something unique....its amazing! I dont even think i can express what i feel, its one of those things that only the heart knows how to communicate, no words can convey the message quite right. It has been a blessing to be here and to know that nothing is impossible, to know that we are all such wonderful people!It is a blessing to be able to see the evolution of self....when people beleive they can't read or arent psychic.....and then......when they open up to their gifts, it is a life changing experience....I thank my guides for making me a part of this wonderful family....
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