How do you cope with 3D life?
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04-26-2009, 05:51 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi everyone!
this is my second post on the forum. right now i'm in a difficult period. my wife had a postpartum with an episode of psychosis. she was admitted to a hospital last tuesday, by force, after being a week with her family and myself. we tried everything to make her better, but it wasn't working. she's now on an anti-psychotic and anti-depressant (zoloft). she's doing much better, but she's still in the hospital and will be released hopefully tomorrow, at least that's what the nurse told me.
now, what does that have to do with this website and david. answer: nothing. i think david's information has been wonderful in making me deal with the daily stress of real life and give me a purpose and direction. i just hope its all true and that's its not some bs that will be turn out to be nothing more than hype. for a while when i was in the right state of mind, i was afraid of nothing. i was totally at peace with myself, the people around me and the world. the only thing that made me worry was 2012 not happening as david is suggesting or something horrible/worse being the outcome. i'm following the information david is releasing, but right now i'm feeling pretty down.
my wife's episode was triggered partially to the 2012 information she saw on other videos and material she got from a friend of hers (nothing to do with divinecosmos) but like i said, it was one of the many thing that made her loose her mind, partially at least. postpartum, lack of sleep, she stopped eating properly, etc, and she ended up in the hospital and is now on meds. i'm taking care of my older dauther (2 year old) and my younger daughter is with her mother.
everything seems to be going "better" but at the same time as i go from hospital to my home, as i drive my car and see the world around me, i cannot stop and marvel at the beauty of nature whenever i see it, but when i look at the people i feel sad. everyone's in their little "bubble". its had to imagine that the world will be changeing so drastically in the next few years given how things are. its like 99% of the people are not even aware of what's gonna happen, nor do they feel it, or maybe i'm not noticing it.
i need some support from anyone that wants to help out to give me some spititual guidance. i'm still hoping and leaning to the possibility that the world will be a better place in a few years, but at the same time i'm thinking of closing that possibility and just get back in my "bubble". so if anyone feels like talking, send me a pm. i felt like making a new post, but i was a bit hesitant since i just joined the community.
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