Free Will Choice: what acts abridge it?
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04-15-2009, 04:58 PM
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Oct 2005
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@purple dragon
you have a funny way of thinking. i believe we are not in disadvantage to sts, once you have knowlegde enough you realise the others are another me. the bad guy might win the show, but will he win in reality too? and what will he win? he will become one with an illusion, not with the one. i do agree there are people who try to enslave the others, but i believe there is an effective defence againt that, and that is to me knowledge, kwoledge of self to come to knowledge of others and realise ther just another self like you.
the other key thing to remember is every action is a catalyst for learning. we have chosen our path before we were born, so if one murders another, the victim has actually chosen that path for a reason. one thing ra has said is that the victim actually chooses this path in order to help form a catalyst for another-self to help them. almost like the good guy throwing himself in front of a bullet to save someone. has ra said that this is allways like that, like this is a law? i believe ra stated that this was a posibility. like you put it, it looks like a murderer is doing nothing wrong, because the victim has chosen to be murdered. it is not always like this. you say we chose our path before we were born here. yes thats correct, but you stil have to walk that path, only by walking it you give form to it. so because we chose a path it is not solide yet, so that choice does not create the path. the walking does. if everything is absolute and solid before you were born, then free will coud not be in the game. to the warrior walking the path is the most important, not the goal. because the goal can change as you walk your path.
blessings, ld
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