Free Will Choice: what acts abridge it?
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04-20-2009, 01:07 PM
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Oct 2005
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hi aqcheryl
with the frase "if everything was solid and absolute before you're born" i ment that in that case there is no free choice no free will, you can not change direction, subgoal etc on the path. the path is formed by walking it, so when we are not here in a body we sort of dream ourselves a path into this world again, but arrived here in a body we are immediatly experiencing all kind of things and we are processing new data. this new data maybe in our choices we make. so also to make choices on the walking of the path. off course in reality we can have both, but that is because there is no "absolute". so i better had formed my frase like this? imagine everything would be absolutely predesteny, then free will would be abstract.
i believe the predestination thing is about the potential, at one moment in time, looking from a certain viewpoint we see the potential in a certain path and we choose to walk it, but right after that moment there is another moment in which we again can choose but because have other data we now wil choose to take another way (subgoal) so like the movement of the snake we walk our path.
purple dragon says it in a beutifull way
if we only think about the ultimate goal, we may mis the journey causing us to mis the learning. that's so right! if we would walk in a straight line we would miss the actual journey. the warrior knows that he cannot reach the ultimate goal this way. so the path becomes the most important, you are completely free to choose subgoals, to make it an experience of maximuum learning. because all is one, one is walking his/her path for all. become one as you life trough your own creation.
blessings, ld.
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