Free Will Choice: what acts abridge it?
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04-23-2009, 12:30 AM
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Oct 2005
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@bwen &yossarian
are you shure all victims of war have chosen to be slaughtered? let me ask you one question than; why does is creates trauma's and "fear karma"?(karma basead upon fear which is holding the evolution of the self) while annimal former lifes, in which you have also been killed, not have that kind of impact.
@leo scone
in this dual 3d world there are accidents and there is crime, but from the perspective weve gotta go to it is indeed not that way. as to say in reality there is no good and there is no bad. but some of our brothers and sisters, also some part of our bigger self, are into bad things, in 3d, because their sick or frustrated or blinded by hate or simply because they wont money they commit crime. they are out of balance, in first place with theirselves. the ego is not something bad, as you suggest, it is simply on the wrong place with the system out of balance.
for the example with the piano in the last paragraph, what about the free will of that ego? if the ego is to be restricted to act in anyway, it has no free will. what happens is not determinated in a dogmatic way. if everything was determinated from before how would you make mistakes, why would you learn? we can learn things, new things, thats a sign of not beeing totally predestinated. the past has his influences but bassicly even with the most part of karma we have our free will to act with that past data and so we can infuence the future every moment of our life, creating...
if you can become one with yourself, and your self can become one with the bigger self, than you can scedule it all yourself right? the ego just has to be on the right place, next to the throne, not sitting on it, as in metatronos. the ego is the servant of the self. i agree, humanity shows another kind of behavior sometimes :d
blessings, ld.
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