Ron Paul an enlighted being
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06-16-2009, 04:47 PM
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Oct 2005
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enlightenment is such a personal thing. one can find enlightenment and then forget as conditioning takes back over. one can refind enlightement... and there are others that can live in it continuously. politics is a nasty game set firmly in duality. with duality, comes judgement. just like with anyone, i can like some of the things one talks about, but usually not everything. does that make the person less enlightened and me more? no... it's just an awareness thing. truth be told, everyone is waking up in their own way around the world irregardless of who they are or what they stand for. it's natural for us to take affinity to certain speakers, politicians, actors, athletes, musicians, etc... but let's save the judgement for the "unenlightened."
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