Meeting people during these changing times
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08-16-2009, 04:36 AM
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Oct 2005
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Meeting people during these changing times
i live in colorado and am fairly young, and spent a good part of the last three years wandering and trying to find myself. i've explored a lot of alternative healing, david's site, other sites, and so on. what surprises me is how infrequently i actually run into other people with whom i share any sort of spiritual connection. it seems like people are either much older than me, much younger, or completely uninterested. i even go to college and most people there are uninterested in meeting people, being more concerned with their studies. i would think this is a time for soul mates and soul groups to be coming together - apparently this is not the case?
i was on lisa renee's radio show one time, and she said to me, "you know i'm getting that there's almost nobody in your age group where you live." she was right - aside from one friend i have from high school (who is my age) and an acupuncturist (who is much older), i really don't know anybody here. and i've lived here for more than ten years! however, when i went to germany i met some bright souls in the youth hostel with whom i felt a fairly strong connection with, even though i only saw them for a day and even though we discussed worldly things instead of spiritual things.
i'm curious to know if this isn't my own fault (i.e. i don't get out enough to meet people) or if it's a social problem among young people in general, or if divine timing just isn't working that way, as the universe wants me sequestered for some reason. maybe isolation is part of an overall ego-dismantling process? i'm also wondering if anyone else is feeling that way, asking themselves, "i'm smart and attractive. where is everyone?" where have your paths taken you in terms of meeting people?
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