Meeting people during these changing times
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05-11-2009, 01:11 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
after all that i did not go to london for the conference.
so, instead, i invited two members from this "divine cosmos discussion forum" over for brunch last sunday, the 1st of november.
as i had read many post by these (or this) members, i was sure that we all would get on well.
but, when i and my children actually met these members we noticed that his posts had only been able to hint of the his deep, sincere, commitment to be "for service",
for this planet, humanity, - others.
he is very wise man, kind, intelligent and honest to the core of his being. he has a rare gift to make everybody feel good about themselves, his light uncovers the best in everyone.
some, not that spiritually advanced, may take his honesty, "rude" or "judgemental",
but i can assure anyone that is not his intention. he just tells and says things as they are.
he brought us some organic eggs, as he had rescued chickens. i did not have a heart to say that we do not actually eat eggs. so, now i have been baking for few days pancakes, dorset apple cakes...and the children are happy,
as we had never before had so "happy eggs" for baking. thank you.
and now, divine cosmos has served it's purpose for me, as i got real friends,
thank you all ! and thank you matthew and dave !
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