How has your Father Affected your Perception?
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10-11-2009, 05:32 AM
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Oct 2005
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dad, i came into this world with a highly developed intuitive faculty. i have had experiences of a subjective and inner nature which long ago proved to me personally that my existance goes beyond this body, both in time and space. the world is full of millions of people who have an inner knowing and experiencing of something spiritual in scope, and yet are alike in the sense that they are pretty much unable to communicate these things to those loved ones who are still fully immersed within the matrix... so to speak.
when i send you stuff, it is with the hope of sparking some flicker of recognition of something other than mundanity. one thing i know is that there is no absolute proof of anything metaphysical in the offing. i personally know extremely gifted psychics who are able to demonstrate incredible proof of their abilities to me and others who are already able to discern some stuff, yet have learned that when their abilities are put under the focused glare of those who wish to establish clinical proof, find that their abilities mysteriously evaporate.
edgar cayce once said something to the effect that a person's free will to experience beneath the 'veil of confusion' (this being a primary law of life here on earth) guarantees that outer proofs are a very singular and personal thing, available only to those who have discovered somewhat of their own intuitive faculties.
i know a lady whom i visited a couple of years ago, on the advice of a friend who had seen her at a psychic fair. this woman knew nothing of me, and was conducting a meditation circle in richmond hill. nan had passed soon before, and as this woman was telling us of her view that we all are subject to protection of spirit guides, i wondered to myself if i've been visited by nan in some way. at the very same moment, she spun on her heel, pointed right at me and told me, "yes, nan has been to visit, and sends love and assurance that she's ok." i've seen her do this with sufficient redundancy with others in the circle to demonstrate to me that this is not a case of someone who is an astute reader of a person's character, telling people what they want to hear.
yet, no person has ever been able to establish their psychic proficiency to any final, undeniable extent in the laboratory of mainstream review, beyond critical reproach.
so, attempts to demonstrate something of these things in the manner of 'proof' remain something very interesting to me, yet those things which strike me as being somewhat evocative of evidence seem to be in some necessary way enshrouded in such 'pseudo-scientific' plausible deniability that anyone of some good measure of intellectual rigour can easily and resolutely pick apart the 'science' which does not in any way stand up to such scrutiny. i am excruciatingly aware of the flaws which can be picked out in such offerings from an intellectual standpoint, rest assured!! i'm like you in that i can spot faulty science from a mile away. but there's more to it than that.
things can resonate in a way which defines for me a sane way of approaching my inner knowing, assimilating the undeniable evidence which i have repeatedly witnessed and tried to reconcile with my intellect. there can be no merging marriage of the pure intellect and the pure intuitive. each needs to give way to the other, or you have the twin spectres of both scientific and religious fundamentalism.
one thing i have learned is that those who don't wish to let go of the comfortable shores of material and rational worldview are perfectly safe and rightfully where they belong in their sojourn thru this stage of evolution. you can't demonstrate that which is transgressing of someone's rightful place.
so, when i send you this stuff, i'm hoping that you may on your own see something which sparks a sense of wonder and 'what if?' and perhaps get past the rigours of scrutiny which will always render every phenomenon explainable in nuts and bolts and materialistic terms. that is the beauty of life, the mundanity of life can be enforced forever - until one gives way to the intuitive, and allows scientific rigour to finally allow itself to share space with the intuitive faculty. mark
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