deserving of ascension
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07-22-2008, 08:10 PM
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Oct 2005
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well you would have to look at david icke's work.(pm for url)
he says a reptilian genetic code has invaded some families. these tend to be families and institutions of power.. i don't know that i believe it but it is his attempt to explain the foulness of some of the powermongers on the planet today. i don't hang on this site but have looked around. it deals with a lot of very negative stuff that i feel pulls my vibration down, but that does not mean that it could not be true, in part anyway.
they are alien, but not all aliens are reptilian.
so, in the theory of oneness, that this forum presents, are people who are of such foul nature, are they they same in essence as light bearers, in that they have the same potential for ascension?
it seems that their work is no anti light that it may reflect a truly different genetic lineage.
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