Past Life Recall and Place Affinity Survey
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03-20-2009, 04:22 AM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
i have had a couple of recallections...
i definitely was in ancient rome. i saw myself as a boy in a roman therma. not sure what function i performed there... but i did see a soldier trying to make passes at me.
in this life i met this guy in the gym once. funny he was making a complimentary comments about my legs... so the centuries and probably many lives didn't teach him anything. since i saw him he changed his gender (in this incarnation)- a long story.
another one is when i was a monk in, probably french midevil monastery. a was a poet of some sort, and someone came into my cell and stabbed me in the back.
this certain someone i'm marrie to in this life. that i know through the experience of past life regression.
another one i was a mean sort of actor somewhere in ancient asia, likely indonesia. i was some sort of actor and or theater manager. we travelled with my troop from island to island on our boat. i was pretty ruthless and sexually abusive to my group of actors, mostly women. during one trip they through me overboard.
i'm not sure i believe all that stuff, and not sure at all of the ordre in which it goes.
great struff.
all is well.
love to all
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