Global pool of money doubled in 6 years !!!
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09-09-2009, 12:24 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i agree that the crash is in super slow motion. it is an implosion. there may be two different but inter-related parts to it (simultaneous and diverse "dream threads" which are intertwined, and making the crash happen). these are: 1. the virtual digital ownership by the elite, and/or middle class retired, of monetary units, like stocks, bonds, bank accounts. 2. physical reality. goods and services being traded in the so called real world. this is food, clothing, and all that makes 3d work for us all.
so, the goods and services slow way way down, and it is, of course, in the physical reality. this is happening now because the non-elite (living and consuming in physical reality) have suffered many years of wages that didn't meet cost of living. we staved it off by both parents in family units now working full time just get by, and saving less and less. another method of staving off was the real estate given to those with too low of income, with bogus loans. the workers bought homes that were too big to heat, and with taxes that have become ridiculous. the elite are now realizing that the virtual model is unsustainable because those with too low income and the unemployed will pull the virtual wealth, in a downward spiral, into the goods and services reality. for example, unemployed jack and jill have to rely on retired mom and dad for help feeding the grandchildren. mom and dad empty out their bank accounts in a gradual pull out of the virtual, in order to buy the food, the goods and services. the "real" will suck the "virtual" back into itself. it will all balance out, won't it? does this make sense to anybody else? and what do we do with mom and dad who saved all of their lives so they wouldn't have to rely on their children for goods and services once they are too old to work? blah!
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