The Vanishing of the Bees
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04-17-2007, 09:57 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
existentially i'm trying to place myself in relation to current events right now, particularly vis-a-vis recent
on colony collapse disorder, as well as in relation to the new scientist's recent
about a looming wheat "super blight".
taken together, these two eruptions in the biosphere
pose imminent hardship on humankind at the level of food scarcity, touching us right at the root chakra center of survival.
at present, however, we are in the position of having to "wait and see," lagooned as we are in this moment in necessary uncertainty before whatever emerging possibilities might happen to be.
myself, i find these reports deeply unsettling. i don't want to imagine negative consequences, and i certainly don't want to magnify fear in my own life and thinking.
so i don't. i let my wonder open up and breathe through all the bad news in the world, as i contemplate the wider context of our common planetary predicament at this point in time.
i remember that we are already in the midst of planetary transformation, and that with this unknown, all other unknowns emerge against a backdrop of sweeping uncertainty and living complexity in which we cannot know the outcome of events beforehand, not only because we are still in 3d and time therefore remains relative, but also because everything is increasingly connected to everything else, and with every possibility for break
comes an equal possibility for break
so: i am thinking now in relation to the reports of colony collapse disorder and wheat super-blight in terms of these being nothing less than global catalysts for an increasingly connected human consciousness.
and i am asking the following questions:
if the bees remain scarce and pollen-based crops don't produce as they should,
if wheat fails to produce as it should, how will humanity respond? will we ask for help, both from ourselves, and, possibly, from our spiritual and et friends? what unheard of possibilities for our positive global transformation could emerge from humanity's food supply being put at chronic risk?
on the other hand, i also wonder how these possibilities could play in to the schemes of less-than humanitarian negative interests.....
i wonder, deep down, if things are accelerating before our eyes with unheard of consequences on both sides of the coin.
this moment, of course, remains a moment of uncertainty. uncertainty is a fragile place to hang out in. it is easily filled with fear.
but, as david continues to point out in his blog, given our innate participation in the outcome of future events, how can we use our consciousness of current events -- including the emerging food crises -- to magnify openings for positive outcomes in unheard of ways?
even if we were to find ourselves moving into a time of massive starvation, might this itself be a means for humanity to learn of its one-ness at a root-chakra level? if so, how?
i hesitate to ask these kinds of unsettling questions. yet, it seems that folks here might be some of the most open-minded and positively-oriented people with whom to engage just this level of difficult discussion.
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