The Vanishing of the Bees
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05-14-2007, 09:30 AM
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Oct 2005
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dear friends,
new paper from hoagland & dw concerning the bees disappearance.
be well, be love.
the bees' needs:
it's the physics, stupid!
by richard c. hoagland and david wilcock
(c) 2007 the enterprise mission
introduction: new science reveals the solution
the epic, unprecedented, literal disappearance of the world's honeybee population -- termed officially "colony collapse disorder" (ccd), that suddenly began to be reported only last november -- is extraordinarily serious. however, contrary to some of the most severe of these mainstream reports, it does not have to spell "the end of life as we know it on earth."
there is an elegant, inexpensive solution to the crisis -- almost absurdly simple at the face of it -- for both identifying, and then fixing, the underlying problem. mainstream scientists cannot explain why this method would work, in fact, by their own admission they still don't even know the source of ccd ... let alone, that a ready solution also currently exists. therefore, most would automatically assume our proposal to be either a fluke, or outright fantasy.
it is neither.
the answers to the crucial questions now being asked by increasingly desperate beekeepers, baffled scientists and millions of concerned "ordinary folks," as "x-files-type reports" of the literal, escalating, world-wide disappearance of billions of domestic honeybees continue to pour in, is to be found in a long-suppressed "new" branch of science -- which both authors of this report have been researching and developing ... if not openly discussing ... for many years.
our civilization has developed marvelous gadgets, giving us instantaneous, worldwide data and audio-visual communcation. the signals travel through "empty space" on invisible electromagnetic waves -- for which, the existence of civilization (if not our own existence!) now depends. nature and the biology of the "natural world" is no different -- but instead of electromagnetic waves, it uses (in part) something called "torsion fields" for the same essential purpose -- to transmit vital signals into and between living eco-systems, so that they may function properly.
globally, literally thousands of "peer reviewed" scientific papers on these "torsion fields" have been written in the last half century or so, yet wide-spread scientific knowledge of this critical, fundamental aspect of physics and biology has been almost completely excluded from the world of academic scientists and mainstream research institutions -- to say nothing of the popular scientific press -- in the so-called "western world." there is a crucial, calculated reason for this ignorance, which we shall get to.
however, as we shall demonstate in this report, nature doesn't care whether western science has heard about (or "peer reviewed" ...) these fields or not -- it just uses them, to overwhelmingly significant effect.
later in this work, the authors will also prove -- including, with reference to results from their own "torsion field experiments" -- precisely how this "hyperdimensional physics" can now be used to truly answer ... and then solve ... the greatest short-term environmental crisis of our time--
"what's happening to the domestic bees!?"
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