What role does Los Angeles(City of Angels) play?
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08-15-2009, 10:00 PM
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Oct 2005
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i dont know of any direct connection to that city being the city of angels and any future happenings on earth.
i do think that it's called the city of angels for a reason tho. it's placement, is at a crossroads of culture, and history. of course in all it's history, la has been wrapped in magic and dreams...i'm not sure if the location has to do with it, or if it's just where it all happened to land. quite the mix there, when you first think la you prolly think hollywood, rich, delux, high fashion, fast paced, and famous. but la is so much bigger and so much more then that...all the way down to the fact that it is very simply just a normal city, in this great big magical country of ours.
when i would commute to la, i actually never saw anything out of the ordinary, weather i was playing on the strip, walkin the board walks, or driving the city streets, or attending one of it's underground events. leaving me to only see that la was a normal city with a grip **** of traffic
so i dont know that we can ever "prove" that los angeles has some angelic power, until it actually happened. we can however, see the world as magical, and angelic, and with out the powers of our amazing intentions desires and workings, none of it would be anything. so in that aspect, your city is very very amazing, because you are in it. los angeles can possibly ben seen as being able to carry a huge weight of magic, because it is full of unique people/wonders/plants and animals. it is surrounded by the ocean, mountains, deserts and man made mongliphs as well.
i feel that way about slc as well. it is most famed for what...mormons, maybe sundance, and well more mormons...but with it's high concentrate of extremes (weather, people, culutre and history) and it being a highly concentrated area of water, mountains, arid dryness, snow, lightning, etc, but above all that...a grip ton of salt to keep us all grounded...i see this city as absolutely amazing, and magical....give your surroundings love and it will give you that love back...and love is the work of angels.
blessings to you
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