What role does Los Angeles(City of Angels) play?
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08-16-2009, 12:49 AM
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Oct 2005
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i have always felt a particular vibe in california and particularly los angeles. i would describe the feeling i get as "i'm home". i was born within los angeles city limits, moved to arizona after my parents divorced when i was about 6 or 7, and came back home(la area) when i was 15 or 16. just like david gravitated toward virgina beach, i was pulled to la.
you are probably on to something blacksunshine with regards to the possibility that la is so special because of it's various occupants. i believe david currently calls la home, even though he is constantly on the move. this is a very special world, however, there are certain areas that are located on the earth’s invisible "energy grid". such as the bermuda triangle, it's pacific ocean counterpart, norfolk naval shipyard(project rainbow-philadelphia experiment), and montauk, long island. perhaps la is located on the "energy grid", which would be a partial explanation of it's significance.
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