What role does Los Angeles(City of Angels) play?
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08-26-2009, 08:10 AM
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Nov 2005
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must agree, i sorta get the same feeling. but personally i don't think it will. but prehapes it is possible. for one reasion- negative enegy and thoughts (as seeing it in the media, ect...) i mean since were all one in the same enegy source and thoughts (as said in some of davids interviews and audio blogs.) you might not even know it but after reading and seeing it alot you'll end up thinking "well what if it does fall off into the ocean?" or something like. then some people will start beliveing it and since the negative enegy/thoughts will create a negative outcome. (if i understand correctly. or along those lines.):d and a personal note: i would be sad if califoria went off into the ocean, ect...
no more disney land
(totly joking on that part)
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