What role does Los Angeles(City of Angels) play?
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08-28-2009, 04:12 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i recently read somewhere that the energy of cities near water manifests prosperity, and the energy of cities with mountains manifests kindness.
i never lived in l.a., but it has always turned me off b/c of the materialism. after living in n.y.c. for a short time, i was also turned off by the general attitude there. i also lived in the south, where the vast majority of people are brainwashed and highly judgemental. all these places were by water...and there were much money to be made in these cities. however, the mentality in these places were one of self-service.
the only place i enjoy living and wish i was still there was the pacific northwest where people were educated, non-judgemental, and respected the natural environment. i guess it should not be surprising that it is by both water and mountains.
san francisco was also nice, but people there seemed a little bit too competitive for my taste. and it borders more water than mountain.
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