Definatly a different timeline...
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06-12-2008, 05:01 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi melissamouse and everyone
i had a dream last night its fuzzy but basically i was in a classroom setting and somehow i changed timelines and ended up in what seemed like the same classroom but the teachers looked shocked to see me there and started telling me i was in the wrong time and i had to go back because the people in my timeline were going to create a beautiful new world and if i didnt go back i would miss out on being a part of it. they put me in this capsule like time machine and my whole body started to vibrate it was especially intense in my third eye and heart chakra areas which i have been feeling tingling and pressure in during my waking state. then th edoor opened and i was back in what felt like the original classroom. the dream went on i was walking around the school seeing variations of people i had gone to school with in my waking life but they felt and looked slightly different. i felt i had somehow jumped timelines again and it was happening to other students at the school as well. needless to say i've felt kinda out of it all day :-)
i'm not sure what to make of my experience or anyones elses on this thread but i believe that no matter what happens we will end up waking to our true nature-we are the one infinite creator
"every little thing, will be alright"
sending you all love and light on your journey home
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