Proving to yourself the true nature of reality
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05-18-2009, 08:39 PM
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Oct 2005
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Proving to yourself the true nature of reality
i believe that it is of the utmost importance for each of us to do experiments on our own that result in the awareness of a higher truth (higher than our current truth).
for instance and i'm only using this example from david wilcock because we all obviously resonate with him to some degree, and i think this is a very strong aspect of his message.
in chapter 2 of wanderer awakening (
) in the last couple of pages david wrote:
i was so fascinated by this that i jumped ahead to the point where he gave specific instructions on how to get into this telepathic state. following his basic instructions, i raised each limb of my body separately until it was tired, and let it go down, all the while breathing very deeply.
this produced a state where i didn’t feel i had a body anymore, that i was just a point of awareness. it was important to send the message when the other person was sleeping, so i waited until it was late. then, i concentrated on the image of my friend eric’s face, and came up with a message for him.
"eric, you will wake up at 3:30 in the morning and think of gold." i got the idea to put the part about gold in after i had already started, in order to give my experiment an even deeper layer of proof than what sherman had used.
i figured that if it would work like this, if eric actually got up in the middle of the night and then somehow thought of gold, there was no need for me to ever wonder again whether telepathy and esp was real or not.
after more than an hour of very intense concentration, i finally let myself stop. several times i had felt the relaxation that sherman describes as indicating that the message had been sent, but i wanted so badly for it to work that i kept on doing it anyway.
the next day, in the second-grade section of the cafeteria where i now ate, i sat next to eric, which was standard practice for me. trying to be as nonchalant as possible, i asked him how he slept the night before.
"you know, it’s really funny that you asked me that," he said.
"well, last night i woke up in the middle of the night! i was wide awake and i could not go back to sleep! i felt like there was someone in the room with me, like a ghost or something."
i was overjoyed and totally amazed, but i very carefully hid my enthusiasm. by god, it worked! he had no idea that i was working on esp at all, so there was no possibility of him expecting something like this.
"any idea what time it was?" i asked.
"yeah, it was about 4:30 in the morning."
[i was disappointed; he was an hour late! but i transmitted it for about an hour longer than the book said i needed to.]
"well, what was the first thing you thought of?" i inquired.
"i thought of my watch."
"what color is your watch?"
ok so this was an experiment where david used his intent and got undeniable results. there are endless experiments that we ourselves can create where we will get self-evident results, where there is no room for err or coincidence.
with this thread, i intend for us all to share both potential experiments that we can all try out and also share our experiences dealing with such experiments.
some of these experiences can be ego-shattering and reveal an even deeper level of thought-created reality than we currently know. there is one particular experience i will share here soon, but right now i don't have enough time!
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