Proving to yourself the true nature of reality
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09-06-2009, 04:43 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hello j. you have the first ingredients for sure; willingness to study and open-mindedness and tenacity. i might suggest a few things to help.
whether we realize it or not; we may be holding onto a lot of dense, old energy from our past that "holds us down" and makes it hard to sense the lighter energies and even for them to come forward to us. how do we lighten up? ummmmmm, some of it is easy, some of it is not so easy, but it all comes off in layers like an onion.
the first thing for me was to ask myself if i was holding any resentments towards anyone. yep, found some of those....time to go back into those memories, feel the pain, ask if i had anything to do with what led to the situation, ask for forgiveness and then forgive the other. if i couldn't immediately love that person, i at least found compassion and then released the memory from my self, asking it to go away and stop haunting me. it works. whenever a memory from the past comes up for me, i try to stop right then and do this exercise to release it from me. layers come off, one person at a time, and so does the heaviness.
the next thing i did, was release my addictions. yep, have to do that. one at a time, the worst one to the least, i have freed up my body to make my soul the director over "the flesh". layer by layer, i lost my desire to do anything that would weigh down my density. i instead crave the ability to feel the higher realms more. the rewards are more clarity with dreams and third eye vision in seeking it. i still have more to go, as many people who share their experiences and gifts show me that there is always higher steps to climb. but, within a very "awake" dream, i finally had my visit from two angels and i found i even could fly (i even had wings) and levitate. i was told by one of them, that i really need to work on keeping my thoughts and statements positive. negative viewpoints are like lead weights holding us down and creating more of what we do not desire. to break this bad habit, each time i hear a negative statement come out of my mouth, immediately i state the positive side of it....there always is one. that balances my energy back out. i have to keep practicing this...i know it is vital....and new habits do come with practice, practice, practice.
i believe that the light beings (whatever we choose to call them) want to be able to reach us somehow and help us, so keep your desire alive and do whatever it takes to lift the veil.
ask, seek, and find.
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