ascension and "conspiracies"
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08-01-2009, 06:05 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
nothing like giving evil an excuse to be evil. great job.
when did i excuse 'evil'? just because you can recognise its function in the bigger picture, it doesn't mean you should simply accept 'injustices' when they come your way. and, in my opinion, we really need to drop terms like 'good' and 'evil', they are subjective, judgmental and imply that one path for the creator to explore itself it better than the other. while embracement of the sto path is ultimately required for the higher densities because the qualities it cultivates are those of who we really are, it doesn't mean that souls who choose self-service are 'wrong' to do so. they are simply taking a different route to the majority, and their actions lead to greater understanding for both themselves and those they provide catalysts for.
thanks kassandra, in my opinion you definitely see 'the bigger picture'
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