Subjective (IE personal) Reality
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06-04-2009, 09:04 PM
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Oct 2005
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Subjective (IE personal) Reality
subjective (ie personal) reality
we live in a unique situation, realizing that we are all somehow connected and part of one another, and yet part of something bigger and more wonderful than we could ever imagined. and yet, we retain this sense of self and personality, ego, etc..
our experiences are uniquely our own, belonging to each of us individually. we each walk into a situation and come away with a perspective that is deeply tinged with the color of our own personality and experiences. but we often forget to include the part of the situation that we play in it.. ie how we are effecting the situation. everything around us is a reflection of the self, looking around you, everything you see is a part of who and what you are inside. if a mad man comes up to you and threatens you.. thats some part of you begging to be realized and understood, or worked on.
if it rains on you and it becomes a religious sign or synchronicity, never dismiss it simply because the rest of the city is getting rained on as well. everything in your life is yours. often times its hard to accept this, that everything that happens to you has meaning or significance, but reality is subjective by nature, since everything originates from the self.
every time we come in contact with other people, they are reflecting ourselves back at us and we are reflecting them. the process is so perfect and so complete that we never truly see how we change on that level.. we just end up doing it. this leads to us having to take responsibility for everything in our lives, every situation, every scenario.. every thing that bothers us is us bothering ourselves. it becomes an opportunity to open the gates of perception, compassion and love, and turn the eyeglass inward to examine our selves and our motives with honestly without judgment. to take in those things and ask them.. 'where is the love in this?'
this article is one that really hit home for me..
man heals insane by healing himself.
this man heals criminally insane people by healing himself. he simply took responsibility for those things in his life that they were reflecting back at him. he healed himself by saying 'i'm sorry' and 'i love you' over and over to himself, initiating the healing process. the inmates began to show improvements and even healed to the point that the ward was eventually shut down. i don't know if the people were healed completely however.
so when we look out into the world and see the rapists, murderers and thieves. the illuminati and the new world order trying to corner us into bowing down to them and accepting them as god.. all this is simply and extension of ourselves. to hate them is to hate ourselves, to judge them is to judge ourselves, there is no separation in this reality. those things you see around you are always subjective, starting from the self. the things you see around you, those things that stand out, they are starting from within and being projected outward. our greed, our lust, our hatred, our indifference, all those things are being reflected back at us in the world. our love, our compassion and our wholeness, completeness, healing and love are being reflected back at us as well.
we are one. one god as many, one dream as many people in the same dreamer. all things, as in a dream, are reflections of the greater being of which we are a part. we are the subjective expression of consciousness itself, experience experiencing itself, the i am experiencing the i amness.
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