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09-04-2007, 07:14 PM
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Oct 2005
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the giza pyramids and halley’s comet
© 2007, g.j. de jong
is there any relation between the appearances of edmund halley ’s comet and the construction of the famous pyramids on the giza plateau?
the answer might be: yes, indeed. the perception of comets has always been linked to natural disasters and to the mythical deaths of kings as long as the art of writing exist and probably even further back in time. comets with their sometimes mysterious furious and bright appearance in the morning or evening have frightened millions of people throughout the ages and all around the world. records of appearances of halley’s comet, which take place at the present time between 75 and 79 years, exist from before 240 bc and have been recorded by chinese astronomers . but also the olmecs , the maya’s , the incas , the aztec , the nasca and other peruvian coast cultures, the babylonians, the greeks, and the romans showed interest in apparitions of the king of heavens . so is there any proof the egyptians observed the arrival of halley’s comet too?
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