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04-14-2007, 05:44 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
i was standing in line to get my morning latte looking at the same magazine rack i looked through every morning and seeing the same magazines i'd seen all month, when one reached out and grabbed me. it felt like my consciousness zoomed in on the cover and i noticed that every headline on the cover appealed directly to my sense of spirituality, so i purchased the magazine - something i had never done at this place before.
turns out this is a magazine published for spiritual progressives, and in it is laid out a pretty good plan to lay the groundwork for a shift in america's position in the world, from one of global domination and conquest to one of compassion and generosity.
this was the exact phrase used. later that evening i watched the movie bobby about robert kennedy's assasination, and in his televised speaches during his run for the presidency bobby used that exact same phrase to describe his political platform - compassion and generosity.
thanks to this group i know synchronicities when they hit me, and being inspired by seeing a legitimate presidential candidate tell the world his platform was one of compassion and generosity, i decided to do all i could to help this cause - this post being one of those things.
if your interested here's the link for research to see if any of this resonates with you.
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