Is Rock n Roll Evil?
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12-12-2007, 04:32 AM
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Oct 2005
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this is an interesting question. here are my thoughts about this.
as we move out of typical third dimensional thinking in an attempt to raise our vibrational levels, we tend to move away from viewing things in terms of "good" and "evil." that is because these concepts, which are dualistic in nature, tend to perpetuate the illusion of separation. ideally, (another term of distortion that implies one path is better than another) we are moving toward the experience of oneness. even "evil," then, is an expression of god, or the one, or the all that is experiencing all things.
as a musician, you understand the ideas of resonation and harmony. as humans, we "resonate" with certain people, certain ideas, particular songs, etc. it is interesting that you pay more attention to the harmonies than the lyrics. some might say the lyrics and then often the song videos are of a lower vibration than the music itself. another way to look at it might be to say that the lyrics sometimes (but not always) distort the "message" of the music. also (and i think this is the gist of your question) i do believe that some songs, scores, melodies, rhythms, etc. are of a higher vibrational frequency than others.
i agree with you - some of the most beautiful scores are contained within rock and even metal songs. some people find themselves attracted to a certain rhythm or harmony in some particular rap song, despite their best efforts to insist they "hate rap."
my teenaged son happens to listen to "hardcore" and sometimes "screamo" music. he finds himself constantly defending the music to some of his friends who think the music is "of the devil." interestingly, a lot of "hardcore" lyrics promote messages of oneness. however, some might argue that hardcore music contains little to no harmonies and therefore the "music" is nothing more than guitar
which are of a lower vibrational frequency than "pure" notes. hmmm, this is very interesting. i would love to hear your ideas about this!
i like to approach different kinds of music like different pieces of art. beautiful landscapes and still lifes are always beautiful to look at. but other works, which some might label as disturbing, are also valuable. edvard munch's famous
the scream
, for example, is always mildly disturbing to me, yet somehow comforting or somehow healing at the same time.
there is also the matter of the artist's perspective. writing music, playing music, painting, etc. are all creative experiences that might bring healing to the creator. everything then, has its place. the most violent, misogynistic rap lyrics seem unharmonious to me, but perhaps are healing to the artist who writes and sings them.
i would like to hear other people's opinions on what some may understand to be music that is of a lower vibrational quality. does consistently listening to distorted guitar lower the vibrational frequencies in our physical and etheric bodies? i suspect we are best served by varying the music we listen to. it sounds, flachiefsfan, that you already do this.
thanks for this question ... i can't wait to read more.
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