Is Rock n Roll Evil?
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11-16-2007, 05:21 PM
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Nov 2005
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musical guy here too. i pulled away from the sterotypical "negative" stuff for quite awhile (metallica to inubus to gnr to linkin park) and really focused on what the more "positive" bands/sounds were doing for me. it was nice, but i still have that part of me which loves to rock out!
i agree that you come through it and there simply is no longer a negative/positive. it simply becomes what resonates and what doesn't. it's like a preference for sweet over salty. i don't judge one as good or bad, they simply are and i simply am. lol.
actually went out to the bars for a rock show last night (white cowbell oklahoma). was the first time having gone out to the bar outside of my own gigs there! i play with a band called [name]. our old music was very non-genre specific (as you'll see by our recordings on the net). but we are moving into a more rock sound now and i (as a percussionist) am finding it difficult to play with the band, even though i like the sound.
my own musical dilemas i guess!
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