Project Camelot misled?
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09-27-2008, 01:39 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i check in at project camelot pretty regularly, and project avalon now and then, after all, they talk to everybody! but i too have been concerned about the hair-on-fire doom and gloom that seems to crop up frequently there.
i'm intrigued with players like burisch, "deacon", fulford and some others, so i keep checking back. these guys, while thoroughly exposed to the foul underbelly of the power elite, somehow manage to keep a pretty clear sense of optimism. but i have no need or use for the morbid fatalistic attitude i often pick up from some of the interviews on pc.
i appreciate david wilcock's balance. he has a strong compass with law of one, and that's worth a lot. i think the problem, at least for me, with pc and pa is that there is no such compass...and without an overarching focus grounded in spirituality, such as loo, people tend to bounce all over and get dragged into egoic obsessions...fear and worry and control and such.
i'll keep checking back at pc, and really am happy to know that they are there, but will keep my balance along the way.
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