Project Camelot misled?
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09-28-2008, 10:43 AM
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Oct 2005
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great thread. i found myself agreeing with everyone's response on this issue, even when contradictory. i learned many years ago that paradox is a given in spiritual endeavor, what is true on one hand is equally untrue on the other. hard to understand on a logical level, but can be intuited on another level.
anyway, my own response to the interview in question was that i felt both attracted and repelled by the lady. she said a lot of interesting things, but at the same time i felt uncomfortable with her, on the non logical level.
i tend to "feel" my way through life rather than use my will or logic. sometimes my feelings will ask me to use logic in situations where it's necessary, but mostly i operate on an inuitional level that i can't explain to anyone unless they know what i'm talking about.
so i enjoyed what she said, but didn't like the way she "felt". i enjoy listening to all the interviews on pc, and have a respect for what they're doing, but as lots of you have pointed out, the emphasis on doom and gloom calls for regular breaks to rebalance and focus on the positive again. almost everyone mentioned discernment, good advice.
david is such an inspiration and he definitely helps me focus on the positive. i tried to get into the pa forum, but as someone pointed out, the spirituality level there is not the same as on this forum. i feel more comfortable here.
nordics and greys? have no opinion one way or the other. i don't think one can generalize about any race and say they are all good or all bad. there's a mixture of everything in every group of beings. i don't believe in good or bad anyway, there are only levels of ignorance and development. i agree with the person who mentioned that british lady, she's a real sweetheart, she and david make a good pair.
so that's my two cents worth. thanks again david and all you wonderful people on this forum who brighten up my days.
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