Another way to think about STO vs STS
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08-04-2009, 04:39 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
here's my opinion on sto vs sts:
i like to think that the absolute major defining difference between sto and sts is not good or evil, but the belief of separation.
the sto individual considers itself and other selves as just different aspects of the one and only creator. serving others is the same as serving the self, while at the same time acknowledging the lack of separation.
the sts individual, however, denies that it is just an aspect of the one creator, but rather considers itself completely separate. logically, if you really believe that you are a completely separate entitiy cut off from everything else, it makes sense to serve the self at all costs.
the sts path might be touted as an equal orientation in opposite to sto, but the fact is that the sts path is at its core invalid: there is no separation. this is why previously sts entities are forced into sto in 6th density, because they can not cling onto the notion of separation any longer if they wish to advance further.
a fully developed sto entity does not try to fight the sts entity, because it acknowledges it as a confused part of itself, of the creator. it understands the sts entity's confusion, and if asked for help gladly assists in making it understand that there is no separation.
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