Do Humans Have Free Will?
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01-13-2008, 12:53 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
let's try the beast's view, that of aleister crowley (whoa now! i hear them bells and whistle's going off! yeah, the dude was weird but this applies here):
"do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." "love is the law. love under will."
then there is that little dude yoda:
"try not. do or do not. there is no try."
get up and go look out your window right now.
regardless of whether you actually did or not, your actions were just now entirely yours. i can't make you get up and look out the window. i might suggest it, but you still have to do it.
if you knew you didn't have free-will, would you have to get up and go look out the window?!
to simply act with the will of love, do we need more than this now?
there is no knowing of free-will, for free-will is an action, not an idea.
and free-will, as an action, represents a force at work.
which comes around to the saying that "work is love in action."
i try to remember that every morning when the alarm goes off and i "have to" get up and go to work. boy howdy, don't i want to try some experiments in free-will then!!!
do as thou wilt.
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