Do Humans Have Free Will?
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01-13-2008, 04:54 AM
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Oct 2005
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methinks i complicate things overly much... the will seems like such a simple thing... much on the order of, umm, well, love...which is a study in pure, directly apprehended simplicity:d
all that needs to be kept in mind is that the power of choice is not identical to the concept of free will. choice is an effect of will not the cause... we do make choices...the freedom of each example is arguable. but for sure things are set into motion by our willful actions.... we are often caught in webs of coercion that we are not fully aware of..we can be compelled by factors that do force our sphere of influence into directions not of our own making/choosing.
accidental foreign influences do force us to respond with some kind of counter activity. the sum total of impingement's gets so complicated that we can not be seemingly pre-programmed ahead of time to specific responses. in that sense we do demonstrate reactive free will when slam-dammed by life's deterministic bludgeons.
yeah, sumthin' like that.
the main concern with the tangled question of free will is whether or not the will has the power of will over itself and its corollaries. can one will himself to change his nature?.... to will himself to love another, no matter what? aye, there's the rub.... one thing to willfully to walk to the window...but to will oneself to go against one's very nature puts the concept to the test.
mark likens the will to be like the capstone on the great pyramid. yeah, i can see the validity of that view...
but i see the will in a different, more active, perspective. an virtual engine of exploration. you see, if wisdom is attained by the knowledge/experience gathered through the activity of diversity within unity, then will is the active component of diversity... we are told by the ra that we are virtual explorers given the task of uncovering and exploring all the
nooks and crannies to be found wherever in order to eventually unveil all potentialities encompassed within our divinecosmos.
hmm...i better quit ... i do sense that i'm fast losing my gentle reader's freewill indulgence!
help! pleeze! stop me before i write again!!
thanks! billybobbutterball, esq.
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