I'm new to this forum.....
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01-24-2009, 05:05 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
hello to all,
sun, i understand where you are coming from and i bet you wont find one person here that has not had a posts turned down.
did the mod not give you a reason for the rejection of your posts? they usually give a reason, even if you dont understand the reason, they still should give one.
i would advise that if you have a specifit response that your not understanding why it was not allowed, message the mods and ask them to explain this to you.
this is a place that they try to keep the posts under certain guidelines. i also find that re wording or re stating something in a way that it will pertain to dw research or the law of one research will help get a thought through to the forum members.
if you read through the forum, there are a lot of personal private experiences shared here, that alone makes this a special place. i know its frustrating sometimes, but let me please tell you, we have all experiences this frustration....but we can all also work through it and still grow under the guidelines given.
i can say im not guilty of cursing the mods, but i was able to not let the little things keep me from seeing the light that shone through here. i think if you begin to read and get to know the group here, there is a light here you will not be able to find anywhere else.
humble opinions only,
love lynette
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