Are people really that fragile?
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11-22-2008, 02:42 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi stargirl, deep insights on your part. i while back, i recongized how senitive we all are. another word would be "fragile". yes, i agree with you. because we are naturally love (want to be kind, loving, caring and unjudgemental, giving), when we experience something that doesn't feel well, physically, emotionally, spiritually, we get wounded. or if another just isn't their true loving self, they can be quite the bully in protecting themselves form the same wound. this wounds sometimes heals, most times do not and is only doctored when we sense pain again.
other times, we just block out what has tiggered pain and don't deal with it, thus, expressing no self worth and allow the others in the experience to feel better or take from us (taking our power) or as you said, we are so powerful... but our sensitive nature can hold us back.
as we all reach to be our true self always, a part of the whole, yet separate, we found that inner peace to except others as they are and except ourself as same. the statement "love thy self as you love another" is so true, yet can also be so hard....
if only each day, everyone could recognize how sensitive and fragile we all are, we might walk, talk and be a little more kind and loving, rather than empty and spacie.
good observation, i agree...
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