Community anyone?
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06-08-2008, 04:49 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
across time communities have been spawned as a consequence of some social upheaval taking place that produces offshoots in some form or another. in some causes groups pick up and move across oceans to resettle elsewhere as did the early colonists that settled in canada and u.s. some cultural values are carried forward and usually reconstitute around core values that are fleshed out over time, from a few vision holders, that set the tone for its unfolding. in alberta, we have hutterite colonies that have successfully created a niche that has been sustained over time.most of of the institutions that have evolved over the past two thousand years have been patriarchal/hierarchical top down structures such as the current corporation these structures power flows down from the top and not upward. it becomes obvious in looking at this, that without balance this type of formation produces a good number of disintegrative effects on people and the greater environment. just look the deforestation in places such as brazil to see a current example of this mindset at work. so i think a blend of patriarchial and matriarchial values have to come together in harmony inside communities if they are to sustain themselves internally and externally in concert with the gaian matrix of life.
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