Symbols of an Alien Sky, Part One
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11-12-2008, 09:25 PM
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Oct 2005
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Symbols of an Alien Sky, Part One
dear friends,
be well, be love.
this video is a ten-minute introduction to a three hour video production presently in development. other segments, well underway, will follow. here, the underlying themes are:
memories of planetary upheaval in ancient astronomies
monumental civilization: commemorating a prior "age of gods and wonders"
why did the first astronomers identify the greatest gods as planets towering over the world?
archetypal memories of doomsday
other archetypes: golden age, primeval sun, mother goddess, warrior-hero, chaos monster
most common form of the chaos monster: the cosmic serpent or dragon
the video is in rough cut, and modifications will be more than likely in coming months, as other segments are completed. the principles stated are far-reaching, but they are not speculations, just facts that are too rarely acknowledged.
one reason for publishing this video in rough-cut form is that, if any statement of fact is exaggerated, or in any way inaccurate, we will want to correct the statement before releasing the first hour. responses will be carefully reviewed.
david talbott
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