living in 4th density
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09-12-2008, 12:07 AM
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Oct 2005
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oh you sillies! they wont be left behind! :d all things are divine!!!! they arent less valuable than you or me! they will be as well taken care of as we are. do not fret for the welfare of souls for it is against the laws of the cosmos for them to be neglected. we are all one and the only way for them to get "left out in the cold" is for everyone to have been left out in the cold, and that, my friends, just wont happen.
animals rock. they will be preserved eternally just as we. i dont know
they will be when the earth graduates and its "human" entities move into 4d, but i do feel comforted in the fact the creation has a beautiful order and will never turn its back on anyone or anything. i love my cat! hes my best pal! and i know that we all love our pets. they know they'll be ok and so do i.
oh, and dont forget that when we move forward and we get our memory back (so to speak) we will know exactly what will happen to our best of friends and wont feel fear for them or sadness. we will be happy for them and for the experiences they take with them. and we will be happy to have shared lives with them.
love!!! :d
[moderator wants to remind that this is the loo thread, and answers should relate to what is said in these books -thank you
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