living in 4th density
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11-24-2008, 11:58 AM
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Oct 2005
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hi geron33,
i also spend a lot of time thinking on what it will mean for us to have increased awareness and how that will effect emotional state.
to me this is the most exciting aspect of the whole process. and i think you are right when you say that a change from space/time to time/space would definitely change our awareness as well.
the method i have found to help me in this regard is to try and make comparisons with the level of awareness that i have now with those things that are known to me. that is all that is available to us for now.
our minds can only operate in the “known” realm and that is why we can say that it is logical by design.
obviously we cannot imagine what it will be like because our memory does not contain information on 4d awareness. it is only possible for us to get an idea of how it will feel, but by no means a clear idea.
for instance try to imagine the difference between your level of awareness and that of an atom, or a much higher being as in an animal.
most animals have no self awareness. they do not have foresight and cannot fathom the vastness of expansion we have experienced from 2d to 3d.
look at all the things we have accomplished that an animal has no comprehension of, things like math, study of history, architecture, electronics, airplanes, cars, philosophy, relationships, and on and on and on.
the difference between the things we are aware of and those concepts that an animal can comprehend staggers the mind.
now when we consider how much we have progressed from 2d to 3d that is probably how much more awareness we will have in 4d.
or maybe even more. with this increased level of awareness will also come unimaginable abilities that today would be considered superhuman.
all the experience you have gained as an individual in your past lives will be revealed to you. who knows how vast this treasure chest of knowledge is.
this expansion will be experienced by all on earth that remain and will be used harmoniously to help each other instead of to dominate and control others.
at the time our abilities are fully developed people that today we consider geniuses, like albert einstein, will be considered equivalent to worse than a mentally retarded individual.
we will be capable of building societies that are one hundred times more harmonious than what we currently experience.
this will be mean advances in science and technology that we can only dream of today. it will also mean no crime, no need to fear each other; trust will be universal because all thoughts will be known.
and since it will be nothing like what we are currently experiencing we don’t need to ask irrelevant questions like “will i be able to go shopping?” or will i be able to take this or that along.
trust me when i say that we won’t even care about any of those kinds of things. they will be as relevant to you as a piece of dust on the carpet.
the orgasmic experience of love and joy that we will be experiencing at that time will know no want, only fulfillment and contentment.
a person in such a state of bliss does not worry about frivolous details. they are to busy being happy and helping others.
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