but it is a fairly established self-admitted fact that the feminist movement was engineered and supported by the rockefellers... and to clinch it they bragged about the accomplishment.... ...i've come to realize -- like makow -- that we were assuming certain role-playing upon our wives that was essentially against their intelligently designed inner nature, and because these roles were more fitted to men, great damage was done to their feminine spirit -- which of course effected the delicate balance of our man/woman relationships....
well, goodness...clinton is a no-brainer. obama may still be up in the air... i gather that he is coming along stronger than expected and thus catching many at the top by surprise. incidentally, communists are not necesarily members of the elite illuminati...communism/fascism are merely expedient tools created and utilized by the illuminati. (one needs a program to tell which is which, and the what is where and the when. something like that.)