Henry Makow, Obama, Clinton and the Illuminati
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11-21-2008, 11:49 PM
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Nov 2005
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what do you guys make of this?
in his recent interview, david said that obama doesn't really know about the nwo and that he is innocently selecting bad people for his cabinet. well, i believe him to be a good guy at heart, but i must say ... the geithner appointment sank my heart. geithner is the n.y. fed chair and you might as well appoint satan as your babysitter before appointing geithner as treasury sec.
very, very disappointing.
and i also had a different perspective on the racial attacks against obama that might happen between now and jan 20th. i feel that tptb (who are heavily influencing innocent obama) want the public to feel sorry for him so that they will merrily accept what comes out of the obama
(not necessarily out of obama's mind). getting public support for whatever "obama decides" to do would be awful as it would legitimize the elite's agenda.
i used to be
about obama, but now i'm
because geithner makes me
any takes on this?
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