"Victim Consciousness" or actual "Victim"
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08-31-2008, 05:46 PM
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Oct 2005
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hi tifferella,
great post!!! by your questions, you are definately waking up. i have asked the same or similar questions myself. i have also experienced "hell consciousness" where nothing makes sense and the world appears excessively "dark". welcome to the challenges of being a "wanderer". this world does not make sense to me and never has. i try and try but to no avail, it is still a confusing place. i remember reading an article in the paper about a child molester who won an 8 million dollar jackpot. this one article threw me into a spiral of confusion. i remember thinking, where's karma when you need her? how is winning an 8 million dollar jackpot helping this man? the great cosmic joke, perhaps.
in my life, i have found when events (the world) seem confusing, dark, or chaotic, it helps me to remove myself (even if for a little while) from the situation (or negative thought patterns) and to refocus my thoughts on what is beautiful in the world and/or in my life. i have realized that the only thoughts i can control are my own. this is not always easy and i guess, part of the challenge living in 3d.
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