"Victim Consciousness" or actual "Victim"
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11-19-2008, 04:57 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
i remember a time when i was angry at 'god and the world' for the innumerable perceived injustices that appeared to exist.
i learned to view the world differently, and in time,
my feelings about it changed as well.
life as experienced in these 3d physical bodies can be intense, no doubt.
it's not always easy or fair.
otherwise, we would not take the time to experience life in them.
asking these kind of questions (why?) is the start of the path to
enlightenment and love. at least, it was for me.
even though we can't always remember,
our choices have always
determined our existence and will continue to until we choose to
no longer decide for ourselves.
the illusion of not being in control is part of the challenge here.
you may not always have the luxury of control over your experiences
or surroundings.
you always have the power to decide how
you will react to your experiences and surroundings.
keep asking questions. ponder the decision to react with love and wonder
instead of fear and anger.
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