An exercise
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08-12-2008, 07:42 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
great idea, got me thinking. still, as you made the point earlier, there is a tendency to go from visualizing specific things to projecting intent only. i have found from my own rather varied experience that what i wished for was not really what i wanted after all, and like it or not, most of us come from a disfunctional basis, so how do we know that what we are wishing for is the best for all concerned?
i came to the conclusion that to ask for feelings rather than things was more to the point. like, we will all experience peace and happiness and joy in whatever form that takes. but how about those who want to stay in the old energies? surely their desires need to be respected.
or how about just let everyone have whatever they really want? but maybe what they want is not in the best interest of all. aaargh!!!
how about just being in the moment and appreciating it for what it is.
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