An exercise
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11-15-2008, 06:17 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i am pleased that so many people from all over the world took part in this exercise. i myself walked deep into the desert and dug a pit with my hands in the earth. after recounting and meditating on my list i burned it and buried the ashes in my hand dug pit.
i noticed, as i walked into the desert, i had no fear.... at all. which is a strange and possibly unhealthy feeling while walking in the desert with no flashlight in the dark... hahaha it was very pleasant though.
the evening could not have been more perfect and i felt a connection sitting there... not only with the others taking part but with everyone and everything, the sky seemed to breathe a breath of life into me. then... in an instant... i was struck with a feeling...
i cannot explain it in words, but it stripped away much of what i have learned during my decade long quest of soul searching. so much of the new age movement, so much of the teachings... are really unnecessary and have been leading people away from the truth.... they served in their catalyst for the initial purpose of assisting seekers in turning inwards, but they have become a focus away from the real essence of what is at hand, it occurred to me they are actually drawing away from where we should be focusing our light.
once again, it is hard for me to phrase it in words, exactly what the emotion was... but it was powerful and somewhat saddening, if only for a moment. to feel all of these things drain from me, to feel all of this stockpiled information cease to have any validity and have only a small fragment left...
when i am more able to put it into words i will try, but for now i am still putting together the remaining pieces. just since that evening i have gotten a new job, had an old friend drive 130 miles to see me out of nowhere to talk about life and our views on it (and i had a mouthful to share i can assure you) and i have been blessed with the honor to be of service with l/l research in the transcribing of a new channeling intensive that will be released... well... when the transcribing is done
its funny.. when i was helping to organize this i didn't even realize it fell right on the dawn of the 6th day of the mayan calendar until after the fact, just another in a series of beautiful alignments.
my blessing and love to all of you, i await the day that we all meet and walk the path of light together.
continue spiraling ever upwards,
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