See anyone's aura
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07-12-2008, 05:22 AM
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Oct 2005
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See anyone's aura
(while cruising the net looking into orgone i made my way onto a website of a person that mentioned many things along the lines of those mentioned by david and in this forum. upcoming ascension to 4th density, sylphs, chemtrails, reincarnation, aliens helping us out and among other things auras.
he states:
in 4th density we will all be able to see each other's auras. you can't hide a lie when your aura is visible. the aura will change colors on you and go haywire while you speak your lie. it will remain steady when you are speaking the truth. also, you will see spots on your aura that can reveal parts of your body that are not working as well as they should. i predict a new field of "real medicine" in the future based upon the viewing of the aura. the aura can be used as feedback to see if the patients choice of therapy is really working. [section promoting a book and machine removed]
you see, all major events in the "future" have already happened. we can travel forward and back in time and view major events or the probability of these events happening. the closer you get to achieving these events, the higher the probability that something that is supposed to happen, will happen. for example, i had never even heard of the light before 2004. once i started to educate myself on the light, crystals, astral traveling, reincarnation, etc. i greatly raised the probability that i would someday be able to build this machine. the same time that i was learning the items of meta-physics, the resistance i received from the darkside skyrocketed.
it's an interesting idea and story to say the least. i just had to write about this.
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