Growing into 4th Density - DNA Changes
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03-11-2008, 08:34 AM
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Oct 2005
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hi, y'all,
e.j. wrote:
"as many of you know, the q'uo are channeled by carla, who channeled ra in the early 1980's. the q'uo are fully positive beings who are members of the confederation."
i had assumed that carla was still channeling from some of david's references, but i was blown away by the clarity of the current messages through her compared to the original ra material. all of my spare time the last 24 hours or so have been spent reading much of the other ll material that i hadn't known existed, with already what are probably life-changing results for me.
"what are your thoughts on this? what does it mean to "create four then eight then twelve up to 24 spirals of dna?" dna is made up of four amino acids which line up in distinct patterns as the rungs of one helix/spiral ladder. what could four spirals of dna mean?"
my assumption, from my primitive knowledge of genetic biology, is that each cell, except the sperm and ova, contains two strands of dna for each chromosome within the nucleus. with 24 strands for each of 46 chromosomes, things could get pretty crowded in there (the stretched out, or "open" spirals, if i remember correctly, are several feet long), but the action would probably be multiplied manyfold, though in what way the party would swing (or boogie) would have to be experienced, one supposes.
peace, philip
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