Great peace and love story!
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10-22-2008, 02:38 AM
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Oct 2005
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Great peace and love story!
ok i received this little story by e-mail from a friend.
listen to this it really represents help and love from each and everyone.
a man was once talking with god. he asked god: lord, i would like to know how hell and paradise look like. god took him to two doors. he opened on of the doors, and let the man watch inside. in the middle of that room, was a very large round table. in the center of the table, was a giant pot filled with delicious stew. the man was suddenly hungry.
the people sitting around the table were very slim and sick. they all seemed very hungry. they all had long spoon tied to their arm. they could all take some of the stew, but as the spoon was too long to get in their mouth, so they could only spill it on the floor, trying to eat.
the man suddenly felt bad and stopped watching inside.
god said: you just saw hell.
they went to the other door. god opened the door and the man watched inside. what he saw was the same sight, same table and people had too spoons tied to their arm. but the people around the table were well fed and healthy. the man then asked god how was that possible.
god answered: it is very simple, ability. the selfish people tryed all alone while loving people gave some of the stew to the friend, they learned to feed the person next to them.
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