Desperately need answers - What is wrong with me?
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10-23-2008, 04:47 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hello to all,
ive been thinking about this thread and the experience my mother has had of seeing things. it was all very exciting in some ways, but it really has added to confussion for me and her both i think.
we came together on many levels but now we are back to where we were. she is again qouting her bible to show me that the blood she was in was neccesary and we all must be washed in the blood because of our sins that go all the way back to adam and eve. for a little while, her mind opened and 'god' came out of the box, but she closed thee back up pretty fast. she has sadden me to some degree because i hoped she was my other part of me that was going to be with me on the same level of thinking...even though im prepared to venture these thoughts on my own, i got my hopes up that she and i were gong to see through the same set of eyes. now, i dont know what to think of her vision really, she was washed in blood....but i just cant place god back in that box of blood, even though this is what she saw. so then i think, mabey this was 'her' thoughts of what is 'next', mabey we all have our 'box' of these create our next round? did she see these things because this is what her mind had keys to see? but what about the obe to egypt and petra...was it all in the mind or truly a real experience on another realhm/world/heaven?
im not sure any experience would bring all the answers, but only point you to new questions. possibly, even misleading a person.
peace to all,
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