12-Strand DNA: Fact or Fiction?
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10-21-2008, 12:05 AM
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Jun 2008
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being a mystical type person when all the hoopla around the 12 strand dna began with healers like vianna stibal and others, i was comforted. because i had "seeing" the very things they described in their various books, and such. i called it "the lost chord" - even did a painting of it on the pages of my earlier book celestial vision.
when caroline myss came out and said she was a medical intuitive who could see inside bodies again, i was comforted. because i had been able to do this since childhood. so after studying and asking why and what good does it do for me or the people around me. my answers from the highest came in the form of angel paintings (a great shock to me as i had developed my skills to not personify the divine energies or other vibrations - low level vibrations can manifest into frighteningly real monsters - so as a child i made them just dark lights or colors to be able to cope - which could then be transformed by light lights and sent away.)
i've posted some of my paintings in my album here in the forum. come by and visit them..
one of my youtube movies is about the cosmic vibrations that are shifting humanity's overall dna and are always arriving here that change our physical beings.
i suppose the biggest thing that happened when i started asking about dna -my own to be specific - was that i had a forty day (i know so cliche`) experience when i began asking questions and they were answered by my inner teacher.
so is it real? the 12 strand dna? well, does it really matter? we are all ascending together as a solar system. it is all about being there for each other. sharing what we know and caring enough to honor ourselves with inner service and healing, too. which for me meant writing a book to explain it to myself.
one of my early angel paintings i called the angel of the spiral..but after finding dw's work about torsion made sense in a scientific format and now i call her the torsion field angel. i painted her on parchment paper with gold tee shirt paint and it was like taking notes in a class. such intense gentleness..felt like a great download of information into my personal library.
well, just wanted to share a little bit about my experiences with dna awareness.
the forum has gotten so huge! i haven't posted much here, but have tried to keep up with what's new.
harmony and love,
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